The Friday Bender/9.19.14
09/19/2014 Friday Bender / The Movements

The Movements/Like Elephants 1 & 2
“To sum up ‘Like Elephants 1 & 2’ is a worthy contender for album of the year. The Movements hit all the right notes and are well worth a listen.”—The Strange Brew
”The Movements display that rare gift of showcasing the influences of their musical forebears, while at the same time imbuing their music with peerless originality. The inherent familiarity in this music is akin to the emotive warm greetings one has for an old friend, a friend with rousing choruses and all-embracing hooks.”—Chromaticism
“ … these two albums are undoubtedly meant to be heard as a pair. Together they roam through the best guitar music of the last few decades, blending their influences into something new, exciting, vibrant and just plain excellent.”—Terrascope
“ … rich palette of stylistic influences … “All the Lost” sports a sympathetic surf beat, while “Ingenting Kommer Ur Ingenting” resorts to a wall of nihilistic noise to convey its message. “Winter’s Calling” on the other hand breaks down into a stoner rock-jam that reminds me of Baltimore’s Arbouretum, and everything is covered in a varnish that faintly reflects the image of Yura Yura Teikoku.”—Arctic Drones
“ … Refreshingly, the Movements approach to psychedelia doesn’t rely on layering their original sound with phasing, extreme levels of reverb (which seems to be the instant psychedelia pre-set these days) and other studio trickery. Instead, they stretch themselves musically in a similar manner to a number of first generation psychedelicists … ”—The Active Listener
“ … ‘The Death of John Hall D.Y.’ which is one of a number of sun-dappled West Coast sounding tracks which, despite the subject matter, lifts the spirits in the sort of ways that The Byrds lift the spirits.”—Backseat Mafia