Don’t Be Afraid … Rescue Me/SOB 7.2.15
07/03/2015 electronic / kosmische / psych rock / rock / space rock / stoner rock

Don’t Be Afraid … Rescue Me/SOB 7.2.15 by Sunrise Ocean Bender on Mixcloud
Ancient Ocean Part 1: Proto-Tethys-Scott Lawlor and The Gateless Gate-Ancient Ocean-We Are All Ghosts-2015
Gateway-Demian Castellanos-The Kyvu Tapes Vol.1 (1990-1998)-Cardinal Fuzz/Hands in the Dark-2015
The Hawk-Headed Lord of Silence-Black Tempest-Darkness Unfolding-Optical Sounds/Black Tempest-2015
Bardo Nectar-Prana Crafter-Bardo Nectar-Prana Crafter-2015
Light Roots-Future Museums-Tapestry Of Time and Terrain / Pleasure Cruise-Fire Talk-2015
Big Farmer Big Jesus-Evening Fires-Incredible Adventures-Deep Water Acres-2015
Untitled 1-Cosmic Wheels-Cosmic Wheels-Heavy Psych Sounds-2015
Boogie Van-Fu Manchu-King of the Road-Mammoth-1999
Solid-The Atomic Bitchwax-II-Tee Pee-2000
Bleeding Out-Lo-Pan-Salvador-Small Stone-2011
MNFO-Unida-For the Working Man-Unida-2008
Reaching Out-Datura-Visions For The Celestial -Cranium Music-1999
Super Sun Trigger-Gas Giant-Pleasant Jouney in Heavy Tunes-Burnt Hippie-2000
Master of the Universe-White Manna-Pan-Cardinal Fuzz/Captcha-2015
Astral Plane-Ecstatic Vision-Sonic Praise-Relapse Records-2015
We Are What You Are-White Hills-Walks for Motorists-Thrill Jockey-2015