Because All The Other Fish / SOB 08.03.17
podcast / WRIR

The hamster fell off the wheel at WRIR causing a minor glitch, so here’s the rundown minus the annoying tongue wagging …
Monster Killed By Laser-Temples of Humankind-Hall of Spheres-2017-Eggs in Aspic
Monster Killed By Laser-She Wilts-Hall of Spheres-2017-Eggs in Aspic
Hedersleben-Walk Above the Clouds-Orbit-2017-Cleopatra
Hedersleben-Distant Sun-Orbit-2017-Cleopatra
King Crimson-Fracture-The Nightwatch-1997-Discipline Global Mobile-Discipline
Van Der Graaf Generator-Killer-H to He Who Am the Only One 2005 Release-1970-EMI Marketing
Matching Mole-Part of the Dance-Matching Mole-1972-Columbia
The Baking Research Station-A Visit to Newport Hospital-A Visit to Newport Hospital/Queen St. Gang 7”-2012-Fruits de Mer Records
Yves Malone-Apollo Before the Storm-Boneblack-2017-Tymbal Tapes
Sula Bassana-Sand Waves-The Ape Regards His Tail (Original Soundtrack)-2017-Sulatron
Las Cobras-Temporal-Temporal-2017-Fuzz Club Records
New Candys-Aphrodite In Leather-New Candys As Medicine-2015-New Candys
Magic Shoppe-Her Ritual-High Goodbye – EP-2017-Little Cloud Records
The Oscillation-Evil In The Tree-Evil in the Tree-2017-Wrong Way Records
The Diaphanoids-Retoxed and Somehow Heavily Szymckzhycked-Blessed Poison-2017-People in the Sky Records
John McBain-Focal Point-Accidental Soundtracks, Vol. 1: The Alpha Particle-2017-Vacant Stare-God Unknown
62 Miles From Space-Outside-Time Shifts-2017-Mega Dodo Records
Astralasia-Ishdan-Oceania-2017-Fruits de Mer